(Amazon) 2011
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And so we begin...God clapped his hands. I'm not saying an old guy in a grey beard conjured up something from nothing. Because if it was an old guy in a grey beard, he was something. Wasn't he? Therefore we wouldn't be starting at the beginning, would we? I'm talking about whatever force compels something to happen, compelled it to happen.

Why is this important to know? What does it matter where we begin? Stories can begin anywhere. So why not begin at the beginning? And science has declared the Big Bang as the beginning. Knowing that is not particularly comforting, because sceince has been wrong before.

Science also implies that one cannot start before the beginning. What may have existed before that point in time when energy transformed into mass is not so much beyond our contemplation, as beyond our wisdom. We have to break the problem up and solve it in pieces. We must discover and understand some of the laws that manage the physical world in order to better understand the other laws, perhaps the spiritual laws, if there are any.

There will always be a difference of opinion between those who cannot accept the absence of cause and those who are convinced that's just the way it is.

We may not even care why or how a homogenous singularity can produce an uneven universe but we cannot help but be curious about the nature and meaning of our current life.

Among the most difficult concepts to accommodate in one's head while still managing to pay attention to the mundane progress of our ordinary lives is the idea that everything that is, and everything that ever will be, was created in the course of a very short, very sudden, single event, the big bang.

There is matter, anti-matter and nothing (positive, negative and neither). The force of attraction compels positive to adhere to negative. Simultaneously the force of aversion compels positive to avert positive and negative to avert negative. When the forces are equal, equilibrium, nothing happens. There is no movement.

For reasons unexplained,i.e. why God clapped his hands in the first place, one force exerts more influence than the another. Perhaps the Higgs Boson attracts and cements particles together to create mass which because it is assembled in organised matter moves a little faster than the antimatter. Perhaps matter is a little heavier when it does materialise. Certainly we can "see" more of matter than antimatter as we observe the experience of living.

Such an imbalance creates movement, as all imbalances by their very nature are not stable and thus apt to move. Where there is movement, there is friction.

Friction results in heat and heat results in more movement. Movement results in momentum and building momentum results in acceleration. Acceleration results in expansion.

But expansion of what? Of plasma, perhaps.

As plasma expands, it expands chaotically and cools as it does, just as gas cools as it expands. Cooling plasma begins to break apart into particles of matter binding together and flying apart in response to the constantly changing interplay of positive and negative charges contained in the particles.

The Double Helix, where dna resides and replicates, is just such a particle of matter. The Magic Helix is where belief resides and replicates. So The Magic Helix is also a particle. But what kind of particle is it?

It's not a Quark because Quarks are apparently too small to physically measure so we have to believe they are there by the evidence. So if we can measure a quark, we can measure belief. N'est pas? Measuring belief is an interesting pursuit.

Is it a nucleus?

No but perhaps it exists inside a nucleus. A nucleus is made up of positively charged particles called protons and neutral (no charge), neutrons packed together so that they are almost touching each other. A very strong and very short-range attraction pulls them toward each other, and an even stronger repulsive force keeps them from sticking to each other.

Protons and neutrons orbited by electrons are called atoms. An atom is roughly 0.2 nm (0.0000000002m) in diameter.

Friction and heat produced by movement transforms the atoms and an unequal distribution of heat and friction creates a variety of atoms in unequal amounts. 90% of the atoms in the universe are Hydrogen. 9% are Helium. The rest are the rest.

When spinning atoms become so hot that electrons begin to spin away from the nucleons, all returns to the fourth state, that of plasma.

The chaotic structure of the plasma responding to the influences of fusion and fisson as it expands. At the same time the force of gravity urges the plasma to collapse into itself in a compelling return to the singularity causing the plasma to simultaneously collapse and explode, flinging the electrons around.

Some of these randomly accelerating electrons are picked up and shared by more than one combination of protons and neutrons. Atoms sharing electrons are called molecules.

The properties of molecules (color, melting temperature, hardness, solubility, etc) are dependent on what atoms they contain and how they are arranged.

Clouds of molecules spinning together form substances.Substances may be solid, liquid, or gas. They may be pure or impure (pure substances generally have sharp melting temperatures). They may be crystalline or non-crystalline. They may be stable or unstable. Instability may be chemical or nuclear (or both).

Instability results in chaotic spinning and variations in density. Gas-cloud density variations create centres of gravity. Gravitational collapse into centres of gravity creates stars.

Some stars explode in super novae which spew materials such as metals throughout the universe. Chaotic spinning consolidates these substances into clumps. Clumps congregate together in formations.

Galaxies are gigantic formations. There are about 50,000,000,000 enormous galaxies in this universe. Galaxies contain stars. Every star has the opportunity to collect matter, the gases, dust, and particles that enter its gravitational field and anti-matter, the space in between.

Objects that miss the star but become trapped in its orbit become asteroids, comets, planets, or planetary moons.

The planets are generally solidified composite bodies made of heavy elements. Only the largest planets have enough gravity to hold on to the light gases hydrogen and helium.


(Amazon) 2012
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